Owh no.... I had abandoned you (My Little Journal) for almost 2 months, so sorry ler. I've been so lazy to chat with you recently. Is because i had a lot of "new toys" to play and busy with recently. Including itouch la, lomo camera la (sad story....sob sob), jelly lens la, Oceangoddess (yay!! our baby) la and Egui la. Oops....did i say toy? Haha! No la, Egui isn't a toy but he's toy provider, most of the toys provided by him. LOL~
Well~ I have to back on track, talk to you more frequent but......HOW?? I don't have story to tell you everyday because i have a boring life =.=" (is time to think over again how come i have such a boring life??).
How about project 356 or daily photo?? No no... im too lazy for that.
Nah!! Project 52 or weekly photo la, one week once should be ok le gua >.< I am doubting is it really okay for me??
Hmm... Final conclusion ------> Once a month!! Such a lazy blogger. Wuakaka!! wtf =,="
ki siao liao, just ignore me.....bye!
18 hours ago